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Headaches, migraine

Headaches and migraine

Headache (George Cruikshank, Metropolitan Museum, NY)

Headache is a clinical symptom that may have a wide aetiology. Headache is a pain that we are unable to attribute to a specific structure (such as a tooth, nose, etc.) but which we feel diffused throughout the head. Brain tissue itself can not have pain because it does not have pain receptors. Within the skull, however, there are many structures that nociceptors have - the cerebral vessels, dura mater and most of the tissues surrounding the CNS. An inflammatory process in the brain may increase cerebrospinal fluid pressure or otherwise irritate pain-sensitive structures.

There are different theories about migraine , but most recently, scientists tend to think that it may be a trigeminal nerve irritation that is transmitted from brain envelopes.

Headache can also be found in specific structures on the head or even beyond it (neck, shoulders, chest), our sensor system mistakes it in the head. It is the pain of the neck muscles, shoulder muscles, etc. Another common cause of headaches are sinusitis and teeth inflammation. For middle ear inflammation, usually the most affected ear is the ear, but intense pain is projected across the head. Other causes of headache are salivary gland inflammation, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the tear gland. A totally different type of headache is again caused by an injury (that is, when the head is a bit hard). We can see that the cause of a headache can be very serious ( not to mention cancer ), so for long-lasting headaches, we should not hesitate to visit a doctor. Adapted to the second place is self-medication, which should also be done under the supervision of a doctor of medical botany.

Adaptogens for headaches

There are so many reasons why headaches originate. There are several types of headache among which different types of adaptogenes occupy:

  • Ginseng works in these cases:

    For other specific inflammations of the jaw, facial and ocular structures, general recommendations can not be given. The decision on the use of ginseng should be made by a physician or ginseng known to MUDr. Immunomodulatory effects of ginseng in acute, especially bacterial inflammation are unclear (the TCM advises him to avoid these cases) and the treatment procedure must be followed by a physician. However, we have already gone far beyond the "headache".

  • Herbal mixtures against migraine often contain ginger . The whole ginger family has anti- inflammatory and pain effects ( Lakhan2015zep ), along with ginger, I would particularly emphasize turmeric ( Curcuma longa ) .

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